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Freelance Writer​



First of all, thank you for visiting my portfolio! I love what I do and I love showing it off, so I'm honored that you took the time to look over my work.

Ultimately, there are two things that drive me: creativity and variety. I love a fast-paced life (one of those traits leftover from my many years in the Midwest, I guess, and one that doesn't seem to be losing its grip any time soon). Both professionally and personally, I'm someone who always needs a project to work on, although I won't bore you with all my adventures in knitting just yet. And I'm also quite the time management maven (thanks, Mom). With all of that added together, I love working in a creative and energetic atmosphere where I can take on a number of different projects throughout each day, getting stuff done and crossing off my to-do list like nobody's business.

As far as my background goes, I graduated in 2011 from Ohio Northern University, a small but excellent school, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. To be precise, my major was Language Arts Education, intended for teaching high school English, but because the coursework was actually more focused on English than on education, it fell within the English department. Truth be told, I've wanted to write for a living for as long as I can remember. I still have some of my first writing projects in a memory box somewhere, scrawled in the clumsy hand of my six-year-old self. But growing up in a small town, I didn't think there was much of a job market in that arena, so I planned to get a degree in what I believed was a more marketable skill, and one that I also enjoyed (teaching English), and to write on the side. Then, shortly after we both graduated from college, my now husband found an exciting job opportunity in the Atlanta area, and when we both moved, lo and behold, I found out that I actually COULD make a living writing. Who knew?


Ever since moving to Atlanta in 2011, my focus has been on breaking into the world of professional writing. I started with a job in administrative assisting, in truth because it's a job I found that paid the bills and would get my feet wet in the corporate environment. In my second administrative job, I found a way to finagle some writing time in, because it was a small company without any type of a marketing department, and when I made my talents known, they were excited to have some new content to work with. Then, I was finally able to get a position that focused primarily on writing, as well as some other creative endeavors. I served as a Copywriter/Account Coordinator at McCauley Marketing Services for 3 1/2 years (from January 2015 through July 2018), and it was a fantastic learning experience. The full-service marketing company focuses primarily on healthcare marketing, so I was able to develop the unique skill of researching and digesting complex medical information, then relaying it to readers in a way that is accurate yet understandable, as well as enticing. Because McCauley Marketing is a small, all-hands-on-deck company, I was also able to learn a number of other related skills, like graphic design, search engine optimization, and even some light video editing.


In July of 2018, I took the plunge into my dream job: full-time freelance writing. The experience I've gained in this time has been invaluable, touching a wide range of industries from pest control to jewelry. I'm always looking for a new project, primarily in my specialty areas: health and wellness, fashion and beauty, marketing, and a variety of home-related topics such as home decor and home improvement.

I created this online portfolio for the purpose of making myself open to new opportunities and of allowing prospective clients to get a taste of my voice, my abilities, and my experience. If you feel that I could be an asset to your company, or if you have any helpful feedback, I would love to hear from you! You can reach me by filling out the contact form below, which I actively monitor on an ongoing basis. Thank you again for your time and consideration, and I hope to speak with you soon!


Contact Me

Nikki Wisher

Atlanta, GA

How to Reach Me:

Use the contact form

Thanks for reaching out!

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